solutions for semantic web (OWL ontologies, SPARQL, reasoning) and model driven development (metamodel, model design, model transformation, code generation)

Using Templates in OWL Ontologies with the OWL Editor

| Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The OWL Editor allows to create UML-like Templates for OWL Ontologies. Templates are parameterised elements which identify the pattern for a group of model elements of a particular type. You can generate new classes or elements with the same characteristics as the Template by binding classes or other elements to the Template.

The OWL Editor allows to bind Classes, ClassExpressions, ObjectProperties, DataProperties and Individuals.


This example shows an Ontology using Templates

In this example 2 Classes and 1 ObjectProperty are bound to a Template. The Template (on the right site) named AgentRole has 3 Elements (Role, Agent, hasRole) needing a binding. The Pattern (on the left site) named Music binds elements to the Template.
After the generation the Class "Agent" is transformed to "Musician", "Role" is transformed to "Position" and the ObjectProperty "hasRole" is transformed to "plays". All other elements are not changed so that the generated Ontology looks like this.

By using more patterns and bindings to the Template, the Template is used to generate more than one instance.


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