We show how to use TwoUse's OWLizer to transform Ecore Models and Metamodels into OWL ontologies. In this example, the UML class diagram model elements are transformed into OWL individuals of the UML ontology and the UML metamodel classes are transformed into OWL classes.
UML + OWL Ontology and SPARQL
This demo of the TwoUse Toolkit shows UML class diagram, OWL ontology and SPARQL to dynamically classify instances at runtime. We model the variations of the class SalesOrder with the web ontology language, namely USSalesOrder and GermanSalesOrder. Later, we write a query operation that asks for the most specific type of the contextual object.
BPMN process model -> OWL ontology = Validating Process Refinements
Monday, July 19, 2010
"A crucial task in business process management is the validation of business process refinements. A business process refinement is a process description in a more fine-grained representation. The refinement is either with respect to an abstract model or with respect to component's principle behavior model. This video shows a process refinement based on the execution set semantics. Predecessor and successor relations of the activities are described in an OWL ontology in which the refinement is represented and validated by concept satisfiability checking."
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More information on this paper
OWL ontology with UML Class Diagram Profile for OWL
Sunday, July 11, 2010
How to create a simple OWL ontology using the OMG UML Profile for OWL with the TwoUse Toolkit.
Improving Software Design Patterns with UML, OWL and SPARQL
We deal with problems in common design patterns and proposes OWL to remedy these issues. We exploit the TwoUse approach, which integrates OWL and UML class diagrams to overcome drawbacks of the Strategy Pattern, that are also extensible to the Abstract Factory Pattern.
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